There could be many reasons but the most probable is you have simply forgotton your password, are trying the wrong one or are entering it incorrectly. Some other things to think about include:
  • Does your username or password contain a mixture of upper and lower case letters?
  • It should be entered exactly Are cookies enabled on your browser
Locate or search for the desired course (you can click 'All courses...' in the 'My courses' block) and click on the course name. If your teacher has given you an enrollment key, enter it when prompted, and click Enroll me in this course. Once you are enrolled in a course, it will appear under "My courses" any time that your are logged into that Moodle site.
  • 'My Courses' block if it has been added to the page you are on
  • Go back to the homepage (see below) and then use the main course block (if it has been added!)
Use the navigation bar at the top left of the page or the button at the very bottom of the course
If you are not already enrolled in a course you can search for it by name and description
You have probably clicked on the One.gif icon. To reveal all of the other weeks / topics you need to click on the All.gif icon which you will see in the right margin of the week / topic. You can also use the dropdown box underneath the displayed week / topic to jump to a hidden section
Last modified: Monday, 12 February 2018, 11:13 AM